our team
JUDr. Marta Zavadilová, Ph.D.
Email: marta.zavadilova@brizatrubac.cz
Tel.: +420 604 925 453
Charles University Faculty of Law (Master in 2003, JUDr. 2007, Ph.D. in 2007)
Universität Passau, Germany (2000-2001), program Erasmus/Socrates
Main fields of expertise
International private law, dispute resolution with cross-border element, family law, law of obligations.
Language of provided services
- Czech
- English
- German
Membership in arbitral, vocational, proffesional and advisy institutions and boards
- Czech Bar Association
- Internal Judicial Network in civil and commercial matters
- Member of the International Academy of Family Lawyers (IAFL)
Past working experience
Ministry of Justice of the Czech Republic (2003 - 2018)
Marta is an attorney working in the Bříza & Trubač law firm. Before joining Bříza & Trubač, she worked in the International Section of the Ministry of Justice for more than 15 years, including as Director of the International Civil Division, Head of the International Civil Law Department and Head of the European Civil Law Department. Since 2007 she has been externally cooperating with the Faculty of Law of Charles University; since October 2018 she has been working as an assistant professor for private international law at the Department of Commercial Law.
In the area of private international law, she focuses primarily on disputes with a cross-border element and family law.
- Pauknerová, M., Rozehnalová, N., Zavadilová, M. a kol., The Law on Private International Law. Commentary. (in Czech original: Zákon o mezinárodním právu soukromém. Komentář), Wolters Kluwer ČR, 2013
- David, L., Ištvánek, F., Javůrková N., Kasíková, M. Lavický, P. a kol., Code of Civil Procedure. Commentory (in Czech original: Občanský soudní řád. Komentář), Wolters Kluwer ČR, 2009
- Zavadilová, M., Turoňová, J., Rules for determining international jurisdiction under the Brussels II bis Regulation in the light of the latest case law of the European Court of Justice, Magazine Legal perspectives 7/2010 (in Czech original: Pravidla určování mezinárodní soudní příslušnosti dle nařízení Brusel II bis ve světle nejnovější judikatury Evropského soudního dvora, Právní rozhledy, 7/2010)
- Zavadilová, M., Horák, P., European order for payment and its role in the Czech civil process ,Magazine Legal perspectives, 22/2006 (in Czech original: Evropský platební rozkaz a jeho role v českém civilním procesu, Právní rozhledy, 22/2006)
- Beaumont, P. R., Danov, M., Trimmings, K., & Yuksel, B. (Eds.) (2017), Cross-Border Litigation in Europe. (Studies in Private International Law), Hart Publishing – co-author Národní zprávy ČR
Post on the topic "The consumer in the jurisdictional norms of the Brussels Ia Regulation so where to sue a migrant consumer" in collection Eichlerová, K., Recodification of commercial law - five years later. Volume I., II. Tribute to Stanislav Černá. Tribute to Irena Pelikánová (in Czech original: Příspěvek na téma "Spotřebitel v jurisdikčních normách nařízení Brusel Ia aneb kde žalovat migrujícího spotřebitele" ve sborníku Eichlerová, K., Rekodifikace obchodního práva - pět let poté. Svazek I, II. Pocta Stanislavě Černé. Pocta Ireně Pelikánové), Wolters Kluwer, 2019
Bříza, P., Zavadilová, M., Czech codification of private international law from 2012 (in Polish original: Czeska kodyfikacja prawa prywatnego międzynarodowego z 2012 roku), Magazine Kwartalnik Prague Prywatnego, year 2019, Volume XXVIII, n. 2, p. 467-496.
Chapter n. 3.2 Consumer protection (in Czech original: Kap. č. 3.2 Ochrana spotřebitelů) - Pfeiffer, M., Pauknerová, M., Růžička, K. and col., International business law, Aleš Čeněk, 2019
Zavadilová, M., The pitfalls of international divorces, Magazine Legal adviser, year 2020, n. 1 (in Czech original: Nástrahy mezinárodních rozvodů, Právní rádce, ročník 2020, č. 1)
Pfeiffer, Magdalena, Zavadilová, Marta. Recognition and Enforcement of Judgments in Commercial Matters rendered by Courts of Non-EU Countries in the Czech Republic. Acta Universitatis Carolinae – Iuridica. Praha: Univerzita Karlova, Právnická fakulta, 2020, (4), 157-170
Last news
Newest edition of Jaroslav Kramer’s podcast Právničky (female lawyers)
Why did Marta Zavadilová, the lawyer of our office, decide to study law?
Petr Bříza and Marta Zavadilová for AUC IURIDICA journal
With his contribution, Petr focuses on the Czech perspective on validity of international arbitration
Marta Zavadilová speaking on the topic of international divorces for Lidové noviny newspapers
An interview with Marta Zavadilová on cross-border divorce was published in the Monday issue of Lidové noviny newspapers.